With the end of summer comes beautiful colored leaves, colder temperatures, and preventative home maintenance. Before the snows begin to fall and the winds howl against your windows, you may want to look to your roof to ensure it will protect your family during the coming harsh winter weather. Here are several things that typically require attention to get your roof ready for fall weather conditions
Pinpoint Pesky Pests
Now is the time to find those pesky pests that can do serious damage to your home. Check for signs of intrusion into the attic, crawlspace, or under porches and patios. Look for even the smallest holes because it is surprising what tiny spots critters can squeeze through. Also investigate any possible signs of termites, bird nests, and holes around your home’s foundation.
Detect Destructive Damage
Checking your roof for visual damage is a great way to save time and money. If you find curled or missing tiles, damaged flashing, or moss problems, you can have them replaced or repaired before hazardous conditions set in and circumstances become dangerous for roofing maintenance professionals and expensive for you. If you have a two-story house, or the roof pitch is steep, be safe and call in a professional to inspect it.
Purge Gorging Gutters
Make sure your gutters are completely free of debris, are not sagging, all connections are secure, and the supports are sturdy. This can help prevent drooping, icy overflow, and water damage to your home’s foundation during winter melts.
Identify Defective Downspouts
It can be difficult to know where the downspouts are dumping water without an active flow, but looking for water drainage paths can be important in keeping your home safe and getting your roof ready for fall. Make sure outlets are clear, runoff areas have a strong drainage direction, and downspouts are securely in place.
Seek Experienced Expert
Professionals can often provide a complete report about the condition of your roof, gutters, and downspouts. With their years of experience, they may also find problems before they become costly. Contact Landmark Roofing and request an inspection today- 443-292-5242.
Contact Us
After starting his first business at age 26, Artie Hendricks partnered with his best friend Rob Calhan and they have assembled a team of skilled and conscientious friends to be the core of Landmark Roofing. He largely credits his father’s strong and consistent work ethic and his father’s best friend Jerry, who owns a construction company and trained him through his first building experiences. Artie has since advanced through degrees in architecture, auto-CAD and construction management to build a business that prides itself on the care it shows for its work and its customers’ satisfaction.