You may think you do not have to worry about pests in the winter because they will not be outside as much due to the cold. However, you need to think again. Pests are typically more likely to invade homes during the winter because they need a place to stay warm. If you are worried about a potential infestation, then here are some ways to lower your risk.

Inspect for Signs of Damage

Before the winter comes, you should thoroughly inspect your home to make sure there are no cracks in the siding or roofing. Any holes may have already allowed pests to come through. Either way, you want to limit access to additional animals, so get it filled right away. If there is a hole on your roof, then you should allow a professional to patch it because it is not safe for you to be up there.

Remove Trash

One reason why pests turn toward homes is that they are typically a source of food. If you have a dumpster by your home, then you should keep the lid locked so that no animals can access the contents. You also want to keep the perimeter free of debris, too. Lumber and other common items found around your home are good things to get rid of.

Get Trees Trimmed

The easiest way for rodents to access your home’s interior is via tree branches. They can climb from the tree to the roof and get inside. Therefore, it is good to make sure all trees are a good distance away from your home. You should also keep branches about six or eight feet away from the home.

If pests have already damaged your roof, then contact Landmark Roofing at 443-292-5242. We do not have the tools to get rid of animals, but we can at least help you get your roof back into good shape.

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