The warm temperatures of summer are almost at an end, and as you wave goodbye to longer days, you can welcome the beautiful colors that autumn ushers in. As the leaves begin to change color, they are signaling that it may be time for you to check out your summer roof for potential problems. Finding areas of concern on your rooftop allows you to have them repaired before snow and ice cover them, and that may make maintenance more complicated.

Inspecting the Roof

Summer winds and rains do influence the integrity of your roof, so it can be important to have your summer roof inspected by a professional that knows what potential problem signs to look for. Missing cracked, or curled roofing fabrics are easily spotted, but damaged flashing may not be. Eaves, mortar, and chimneys also require an inspection to ensure they are up to the coming harsh winter weather conditions. Roofing professionals also know how to locate leak sources and can recommend the best type of repairs.

Cleaning the Gutters

Gutters can be a never-ending source of frustration for homeowners because they can leak during summer rainstorms, fill with leaves in autumn winds, and overflow in winter melts. To prevent clogging and structural damage, gutters require cleaning in the spring and fall each year. Roofing professionals can quickly clear gutters of debris that can prevent water flow, and inspect for loose bolts, damaged brackets, or split seams. They can also recommend gutter covers and leaf guards to help prevent yearly clogging.

Seeking Professional Advice

Rooftops don’t last forever, so when it is time to repair your roof or replace it, consider getting professional advice. Additionally, if it is time to replace cracked or broken gutters, experts can make suggestions as to the best type for your home’s style. To find a trusted roofing contractor with the expertise you need to keep your  roof and gutters in good condition, contact Landmark Roofing today- 443-292-5242.

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