You want to prepare your home sufficiently before the temperature outside drops too much. You do not want to be freezing inside your home due to a lack of insulation. It may even be dangerous for some people to be constantly exposed to such low temperatures. Therefore, before winter comes, here are some ways to ensure you have a warmer house.

Reseal Windows

Do you feel cold air entering your home even when all the windows are closed? This is a clear sign you have a draft. In addition to making people uncomfortable, drafts can also expose people to sinus infections and allergies. Before the cold season comes around, have a professional come out to ensure your windows are properly sealed.

Prevent Ice Dams

Ice dams occur due to snow building up on top of a roof, melting and refreezing on the edge of the roof. These dams place additional weight onto the roof, making it more susceptible to collapsing. The easiest way to prevent ice dams is to ensure the temperature in the attic remains at a cool temperature. This will stop hot air from accumulating, melting the ice and causing it to shift positions.

Winterize Roof

During the fall, it is a good idea to perform standard maintenance on your roof to make it ready for winter. The first step should be to remove any debris found in the gutters. You want to make sure water can pass freely without becoming obstructed. You also want to keep an eye on any tree branches that are a little too close to your home. Branches are more likely to snap off in cold temperatures, so it may be better to trim them before winter.

Get a warmer house before winter by calling Landmark Roofing at 443-223-7453. You can also use our online form or email at and we will get back to you shortly.

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